Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 21: Library Closed...

Have you ever seen a more depressing sign than this?
 We were headed there for a "field trip" only to find out the library was closed.  Jake couldn't believe it was closed because the parking lot was full (the barricades, not in photo, were obviously put up after it was filled).  I told him that the counties librarians were probably having some training or something.  They were probably having a party to celebrate having the best jobs ever!!!  Since we had already changed out of PJ's and were out in public we changed plans and walked around downtown for a little while.  I took the opportunity to take some pictures of Jake.  We do a photo shoot around every b-day.  I am going to post about that on our family blog/scrapbook/journal though.  Here is one shot of my kiddo:
 The To Do List:

 We even worked in a little Art this morning, before heading to the library.  Jake doodled (this is one of the books where you finish the picture.  He did several and I make him date them), while I was finishing up some school stuff.
 We finally put up some stuff on the walls of our school room!  Here are a few pic's of our school room:

This is what you see when you come through the door.  We start every school day with the Pledge of Allegiance (see our flag?) and a prayer.  My Grampa made the hope chest and our bedroom isn't big enough to have it at the foot of our bed so it is a comfy place to read. . . And what I stand on to write the To Do List. :)
 We went for comfort at the table with our cozy chairs.  Jake's chair is the black one and it stays put.  We have those felt sliders on the bottom of the table and my/Sadie's chair so we can both scoot up to the table (or not!) and not scratch up the hard woods.  Can you see how above Jake's chair the wall color is not the same?  You will see it in the next picture for sure.  I have only painted part of the room. . .
 I have to move our beast of a book shelf to continue painting. . . That will be fun!  Jake didn't know I was doing a photo shoot of the school room. :)
 From our comfy chairs we are across from our beloved chalk board.

Here is a picture of the chalk board as you are coming in the door.  Did I mention I love it?

We started the second volume of the History of US today.  We always have one book that I read to him (I don't care how old you are it is fun to have some one read to you!)  and we decided that this would be the one.  He decided to really show his "I am a crazy homeschooler" colors wearing a cape and jumping on the trampoline for part of the time I was reading to him.  Have you read the History of US books?  So far we are loving them.  Jake finished the first one yesterday.  I am going to have to go back and finish it. . .

 Jake is back on the trampoline right now finishing Stink Alley. . . another book I have to catch up with him and read!  We have really enjoyed the Sonlight book list we are using so far!

The trampoline is our second school room. :)


  1. I never even thought to take an umbrella out to the trampoline!! What a great idea!

    I gave up keeping up with my kids' reading a long time ago! I always PLANNED for us to all read the same books. But yeah, that just doesn't happen when Mama is so busy! :D

    1. The only time I am in the same place in a book as Jake is when I am reading it to him. :)
