Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 32: Brunch, Tibetan Monks, and Christmas in October

On Wednesday night Jake went to Boy Scouts (and yes I do count that as part of his education) and they learned about cooking skills.  He came home wanting to cook brunch for Nee and Papa the next day and he promised to help me clean the kitchen so how could I say no?  He wanted to show them some of his most recent Lego creations and his Temple recommend. I count it all as school!

He wrote up descriptions of everything and I edited his spelling mistakes (we really need to work on spelling.  He takes after Aaron in that area).  I count that as writing for the day and guess what?-he did it all on his own.  He didn't complain about it, like he does with IEW.  In fact I didn't even know he was doing it.  

We tried a new recipe we saw on Pinterest: doughnuts out of canned biscuits.  They tasted yummy but we had a little issue getting the temperature just right. . .You can probably see that by the little burnt bits at the bottom. 
Papa. . .
and Sadie enjoyed a nap while we were doing that.

That afternoon we headed over to see Tibetan Monks create a Mandala Sand painting.

That evening when I got home from a meeting, I was greeted by 3 boxes of books my Aunt Gloria sent to us.  It was like Christmas in October!

We didn't get to do math or science today but we will catch up on that.  We learned a lot of other great things today that made it worth missing math and science. :)

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